CBoard | Class that represent a chessboard, with no rules |
CChessBoard | CChessBoard is a Board with the Chess rules |
CChessClock | CChessClock represents a chess clock |
CChessMemory | Class that stores and retrieves positions already known |
CGame | This class represents a chess game |
CInterface | This is the input/output interface It is a singleton as there is only one screen, keyboard etc |
CMemoryChessBoard | CMemoryChessBoard It is just the ChessBoard that are stored in the Omar memory |
CPGNManager | CPGNManager is PGN files manager |
CPlayer | This is the definition of an abstract player It is a pure virtual class |
CPlayerHuman | This is a human player |
Cvroddon | This is the core engine class |
Mov | Structure to represent a basic movement |