- Class CBoard
- Only 256 legal moves are considered.
- Global CBoard::Aplicar (Mov m)
- Pending to check that castling is well handled.
- Global CBoard::Iniciar ()
- It should be desired to pass to the right notation of pieces (SAN) and not the bad one
- Global CChessBoard::ambiguo (char p, char d)
- Not working fine
- Global CChessBoard::RemoveCh ()
- This function has to be optimized.
- Global CGame::getInstance ()
- This structure probably gives rise to several memory leaks.
- Global Mov::mov2san ()
- Not tested
- Returns:
- The movement string
- Global Mov::mov2san (char *san)
- Not tested
- Parameters:
Generated on Sun Sep 24 19:55:08 2006 for Omar by